Our Story & Philosophy

Synchronicities are born at the intersection of passion & purpose, and our story is no different.

Once upon a time…

We were two strangers. We lived separate lives on opposite sides of the world, though our paths were similar. In spite of our corporate success, we were burnt out — having always been plugged in and on the move. Exhausted from our 50+ hour work weeks and the “play hard and work harder” corporate mentality. And even with the luxury of incredible vacations and staying in some of the world's finest hotels this did little to help - our nervous systems were in overdrive.

Searching for ways to reconnect with ourselves and yearning to escape our distraction-fuelled lives, against logic, we followed our intuition and individually relocated to Tulum, Mexico. After a series of coincidences, we found ourselves and each other on the beach; as two long-lost friends we quickly discovered our shared passions and the desire to solve the problem of burnout.

Our time in the Mayan jungle gifted us with the time and space to slow down, get still, to turn inwards, and to really rest and recharge. This time enabled us to work less, yet get more done, and dramatically increase our vitality and life satisfaction. Inspired by our own transformations, and the magic healing of deep rest we were soon brimming with creativity and inspiration in our desire to help people, like ourselves, disconnect from their stressful realities and reconnect with themselves and the rhythms of nature. 

Our Philosophy

We believe slowing down and spending time in the beauty of nature is the anecdote to time sickness and burn out. And moving through life with intention is an act of self love and love for the collective. Through our travels we found that there are few places in the world you can go to truly seek refuge from distractions. We also found that we’d go to a retreat hoping to find inner peace, only to be forced into a rigid schedule of wellness activities with no support afterwards.

So, we’ve created spaces and immersions in nature, focused on down-regulating our nervous systems and developing rituals that support living a balanced, peaceful life.

We are in an epidemic of time sickness that’s taken us away from the fundamental right to be a human ‘being’, and instead turned us into a human ‘doing’. Larry Dossey coined the term ‘time sickness’ in 1982 to define the belief which many people have; that time is always slipping away, that there is never enough of it, and so we must go faster and faster to keep up. This perpetual obsession with hyper-productivity has led to most of us being chronically burnt out, sleep-deprived and living in a state of near constant anxiety. 

The great irony about moving at speed is that it affects our health and causes us to be less productive and unhappy. 

Our philosophy revolves around seeing and accepting the beauty in all aspects of life while celebrating our birthright to human connection with nature –  it's the most genuine way to find peace among the currents of life. In order to be in the receptive mode of all of the beauty this life is offering us, we must be awake to the present moment through down-regulation of our fried nervous systems. Deep rest is the way to bring our nervous systems back into balance and start truly living again.